All Things Fermentation Blog

The Next Generation: Better Viability
PurePitch Next Generation
Yeast Health
Jun 26, 2024

The Next Generation: Better Viability

From the beginning, White Labs has focused on high cell counts, high viability, and high strain diversity. In 1995, we coined the term “pitchable” as a way to bring a new type of liquid yeast into homebrewing and integrated into our strain numbers (WLP = White Labs Pitchable). The term ‘starters’ originated before White Labs,…

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High Gravity Brewing - Nitrogen Needs
Brewing Technical
Yeast Nutrition
Free Amino Nitrogen
Yeast Health
High Gravity Brewing
Mar 29, 2023

High Gravity Brewing - Nitrogen Needs

Fermenting a High Gravity beer is always challenging endeavor due to high levels of alcohol, which are toxic to yeast cells, and monstrous amounts of sugars for the yeast to consume. This can lead to stuck fermentations, fusel alcohol off-flavors, and other problems. We dug deeper into brewing a >25 Plato beer to find out…

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Tips for Wort Oxygenation - The Why, What, and How
Brewing Technical
Yeast Nutrition
Yeast Health
Wort Oxygenation
Jan 7, 2023

Tips for Wort Oxygenation - The Why, What, and How

Oxygen is something brewers inevitably want to minimize in their process, with one exception: wort oxygenation. In other aspects of beer production, oxygen causes detrimental effects on flavor and stability, but the opposite is true in the early phases of fermentation. Yeast depends on oxygen to provide them with the building blocks needed to synthesize…

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Reliable Pitch Rate for Reliable Fermentation
Yeast Handling
PurePitch Next Generation
Yeast Health
Pitch Rate
Nov 16, 2022

Reliable Pitch Rate for Reliable Fermentation

The Next Generation The Next Generation of PurePitch® is finally here with key advancements to make your brew day easier. One of the most important is that PurePitch® is NOW AT 2X THE PITCH! Why Care About Pitch Rates In our decades of research and working with brewing partners, we know that having a precise…

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Talking Homebrew at Asheville Brewers Supply
Yeast Handling
Yeast Starter
PurePitch Next Generation
Yeast Health
May 27, 2021

Talking Homebrew at Asheville Brewers Supply

On the Streets with White Labs As a bunch of beer geeks with roots in homebrewing, we decided to take to the streets and geek out at one of our favorite LHBS. A sunny spring day led White Labs Education & Engagement Curator Jo Doyle to Asheville Brewers Supply to talk shop with homebrewers picking…

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The Life of Brewers Yeast
Brewing Technical
PurePitch Next Generation
Yeast Health
Jan 15, 2021

The Life of Brewers Yeast

The Stressful Life of Brewers Yeast Think back to last summer, that hot day of yard work breaking a sweat and quenching your thirst with that satisfying blond ale. How was that beer created? What ingredients and processes went into crafting its perfect balance and complex flavors? The yeast used to ferment that beer had…

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