All Things Fermentation Blog

The Secrets to Hazy IPA: Tips from The Pitch

Written by White Labs | January 25, 2021

What is the Hazy IPA?

Hazy IPA’s are known for their intense fruit flavors and aromas, a soft body, and smooth mouthfeel, and often opaque with substantial haze. Less perceived bitterness than traditional IPAs but always massively hop forward. This emphasis on late hopping, especially dry hopping, with hops with tropical fruit qualities lends the specific ‘juicy’ character for which this style is known.

  • Hop aroma and fruit-like esters
  • The role of attenuation in creating balance and body
  • Haze stability and process
  • Selecting the right strain
  • Dry-hopping during active fermentation

What makes a strain good for hazys?

  • These are strains that have low/med flocculation 
  • Typically POF-  
  • Med- High Attenuation
  • Has some biotransformation characteristics
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Suggested Strains